Land Acknowledgement Lesson
An interactive hyper document with links to a unit on Land Acknowledgement readings, actions, and reflections on the land of the Wiyot, Yurok, Hupa, Karuk, and Tolowa by Dr. Marisol Ruíz.
Los Angeles Unified School District Ethnic Studies (Semester Course – Grades 9 – 12)
Ethnic Studies courses operate from the consideration that race and racism, have been, and continue to be, profoundly powerful social and cultural forces in American society. These courses focus on the experiences of African Americans, Asian Americans, Chicanas/os and Latinas/os, Native Americans, and other racialized peoples in the US. Courses are grounded in the concrete situations of people of color, and use a methodological framing that emphasizes both the structural dimensions of race and racism and the associated cultural dimensions (Adapted from UC Berkeley, Department of Ethnic Studies).
Reclaiming our Cultural/Historical Memory: An Interdisciplinary Curriculum Project based on Public Works by Sergio O'Cadiz Moctezuma (1934-2002)
This Unit presents Sergio O’Cadiz Moctezuma (1934 - 2002): Exploring and learning from the Legacy of a Master Artist, Muralist, Sculptor & Architect.
Critical Analysis of the History of Segregation in California Schools: A Unit for Language Learners (5th-12 grades)
This 17 page pdf unit and associated documents can be found below.