Petition in Support of AB 331

Sign below to support the passage of California's AB 331 that would make a semester course in Ethnic Studies a graduation requirement commencing with pupils graduating in the 2029–30 school year.

We, the undersigned, support the passage of California's AB 331 that would make a semester course in Ethnic Studies a graduation requirement commencing with pupils graduating in the 2029–30 school year.

Who's signing

Monique Vivanco
Mary Jean Allarey
Stephanie Thayer
Yvonne Duncan
Cynthia Rangel
Alison Dover
Kaitlin D'Arienzo
Evangelina Rosales
Adela López
Marisol Ruiz
Justin Brown
Samia Shoman
Christine Sleeter
Mackenzie King
Lauren Daus
Diane Lang
Christine Gambino
Soleste Hilberg
Molly Horne-Brine
Kesa Kivel
Cristian Aquino-Sterling
Michelle Knaier
david flores
Danielle Wiener
Amy Rusalov
Tricia Gallagher-geurtsen
31 signatures

Will you sign?

Showing 26 reactions

  • Monique Vivanco
    signed 2024-05-07 13:44:04 -0700
  • Mary Jean Allarey
    signed 2020-08-31 00:52:36 -0700
    Isn’t there a CA law already in place that recommends (mandates???) Ethnic Studies by 2021?

    Agree that Ethnic Studies is a great way to address racial equality and social justice.
  • Stephanie Thayer
    signed 2020-08-29 16:27:46 -0700
  • Yvonne Duncan
    signed via 2020-08-28 16:55:53 -0700
    This is a much needed class in high school, so that students will learn about different cultures.
  • Cynthia Rangel
    signed 2020-08-28 10:11:29 -0700
  • Alison Dover
    signed 2020-08-28 07:51:00 -0700
  • Kaitlin D'Arienzo
    signed 2020-08-28 07:35:36 -0700
  • Evangelina Rosales
    signed via 2020-08-28 07:10:47 -0700
  • Adela López
    signed 2020-08-28 02:07:13 -0700
    It is a critical missing part of every student’s education, particularly for students of color, who rarely if ever find themselves embedded anywhere in the K-12 curriculum.
  • Marisol Ruiz
    signed 2020-08-27 21:28:12 -0700
  • Justin Brown
    signed 2020-08-27 15:19:32 -0700
  • Samia Shoman
    signed 2020-08-27 14:41:11 -0700
  • Christine Sleeter
    signed 2020-08-27 14:40:40 -0700
  • Mackenzie King
    signed 2020-08-27 14:40:01 -0700
  • Lauren Daus
    signed 2020-08-27 13:53:34 -0700
  • Diane Lang
    signed 2020-08-27 13:43:59 -0700
  • Christine Gambino
    signed 2020-08-27 13:23:18 -0700
  • Soleste Hilberg
    signed 2020-08-27 13:22:04 -0700
  • Molly Horne-Brine
    signed 2020-08-27 13:04:31 -0700
  • Kesa Kivel
    signed 2020-08-27 13:04:19 -0700
  • Cristian Aquino-Sterling
    signed 2020-08-27 12:30:26 -0700
    Thank you for your advocacy!
  • Michelle Knaier
    signed 2020-08-27 12:25:51 -0700
  • david flores
    signed 2020-08-27 12:25:18 -0700
  • Danielle Wiener
    signed via 2020-08-24 07:44:56 -0700
  • Amy Rusalov
    signed via 2020-08-23 08:16:46 -0700
  • Tricia Gallagher-geurtsen
    signed 2020-08-22 14:48:21 -0700
    All of California’s youth need and deserve Ethnic Studies! Research-based Ethnic Studies in K-12 schools has great promise to address structural and individual inequities and injustices in society. If we want to make schools a true equalizer, K-12 Ethnic Studies is the only path forward.